Friday, September 14, 2007


19 weeks.
Results of the amniocentesis: chromosomally normal X+Y.
That makes three.
Rocket says: I think three is enough!
Three kids? or three boys!
I think three boys is enough.

:) We'll see in a couple years. Meantime, we don't need to buy any new clothes. We're both happy, even if it promises a bit more of the same.

The Artist seems to be thriving in school... er... um, kindergarten. I think before the year is out he'll accept that he, in fact, really is attending school. But for now, it's um... well, you know, just kindergarten, which happens to gather at the school, even though he's not attending school, you know.

Talked with a patent attorney today, who had been referred to me via my network on LinkedIn. I'm on the right track. He pretty strongly urged me to forego appealing for venture capital (at least for now). He says it's not uncommon for VCs to command 50-75% of your company, and it's highly unlikely that they would be willing to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement, because they want to protect their ability to invest in what they see as their best bet. If someone comes to them with a similar idea to mine, a couple weeks or months later, which is more developed, or better implemented, they want to be able to jump ship and join with the second team, which a Non-Disclosure Agreement might prevent them from doing. Without such an agreement, I might risk them taking my ideas outright.

For now, I step lightly, continue to apply for the few faculty posts that strike my fancy (while investigating that "underground railroad"), look into the prospect of hiring a programmer (or perhaps better partnering with one) to continue developing the tools for my proofs-of-concept, and when I'm at the ready, I send them around, cautiously and carefully, with confidentiality agreements in hand, signed and filed away. We'll see... we'll see.

1 comment:

Lilian said...

Wow, another boy! I guess that's exactly what would happen to us if we had another one and one of the reasons we're not willing to try. My MIL ended up with four boys that way. She already has four grandsons so, we'll see if her two younger sons can produce the grand-daughter and niece that everyone is anxious for ;) I'm pretty sure I won't even try... even though sometimes I long for a third child.

I'd forgotten that your son was going to kindergarten too, it's good to hear from other parents who are going through that as well. I hope he has a good year and Kelvin does too in spite of the slightly bumpy start (I blogged about it two weeks ago).